Babyz — Frequently asked questions

 Frequently Asked Questions

+ I’m scared to open my bowels. Will I break my stitches?

You will NOT break or burst your stitches or sutures. Support your stitches with your hand particularly when opening your bowels if it will help you to relax your muscles

Tips The best toilet position to avoid straining is. Sit leaning forward with your elbows on your knees Relax your tummy muscles. Use a foot stool so that your knees are above your hips As you feel your bowel movement coming down, sigh out deeply or make a hissing sound. Don’t hold your breath. Drink between 1.5 and 2 litres of water each day (water is preferable to tea and coffee). Avoid drinking too much caffeine and alcohol Eat plenty of high fibre foods (e.g., fruits, vegetables) Stool softeners – don’t use Senna if breastfeeding, check the label!

+ How do I know my baby is getting enough milk?

What goes in, must come out right? A wet nappy or diaper will be a great sign!

Tip! Its really difficult to tell if a nappy or diaper is wet in the first few days after baby’s birth. You can check if the line down the middle if the nappy or diaper has changed colour Put six cotton balls in the nappy or diaper and they will show any urine at the next check

  • First 24 Hours - 1 to 2 wet nappy or diapers, with a feed after birth and every 3 to 6 hours.
  • Day 2 - 2 wet nappy or diapers, with 8-12 cluster feeds.
  • Day 3 - 3 wet nappies with 8-12 cluster feeds.
  • Day 4 - 4 wet nappies with 8-10 cluster feeds.
  • Day 5 - 4 to 5 wet nappies with 8-10 feeds.
  • Day 6 - 6 wet nappies with 8 feeds.

+ How often does a newborn baby poo?

Meconium (black, sticky substance are products taken in by baby in the amniotic sac) is usually passed by baby in the first 24 hours. As baby takes in more colostrum, breast milk or formula, transitional stool will become browner/lighter than meconium initially passed.

Breast Feeding Newborn baby bowel movements When breast milk begins to “come in “, the baby’s bowel movements will become loose, yellow, sometimes with white seeds and can be several times per day. There is nothing wrong. This is normal for a fully breast-fed baby. As baby grows, and breast feeding is established he may not open his bowels for several days, or every day.

Formula Feeding Newborn baby bowel movements If baby is feeding with formula, the bowel movements can be green or brown, and firmer or a paste. Baby will open his bowels every 1-3 days when fully feeding with formula.

+ Why are my baby’s hands and feet always cold?

Baby’s circulation or blood flow concentrates on getting the blood to the important body parts like heart, lungs, brain. It may take up to 3 months for this to change, but its normal for baby’s head to feel warm, and hands and feet are cool to cold. When checking if baby is hot or cold, check the torso, or chest to tummy or back.

+ Will I spoil my baby if I pick him up when he cries?

The first 6 + weeks are about getting to know each other, and ensuring that your baby is feeling safe, and secure.

Baby’s cry as a signal to communicate that they are hungry, uncomfortable, wet, dirty, feeling a pain, or want to be close to you. The primitive neural pathways of a newborn in the first few weeks are not developed enough to deliberately act defiantly, manipulate, or wake their tired parents when they’ve just gone to sleep!

Look for other signs of communication as you become more familiar with each other.

Look for our BABYZ Blog on communication patterns of your new baby!

+ What is a normal temperature for a baby?

36.5 to 37.2 Celsius and 97.7 to 98.9 Fahrenheit measured in the armpit

+ I feel cramping when I breast feed my baby. Why?

Your uterus has been stretched to keep your growing baby safe and nourished as baby grows. The uterine contractions are caused by the oxytocin hormone release caused by your baby suckling at the breast which causes two actions;

Breast Milk ejection from the breast to ensure that your baby is fed Your uterus may expel any small clots, or a small gush of blood may occur whilst breast feeding. This is normal. Your uterus continues to reduce in size in response to these contractions. This will usually last for about 3-4 days. Mild pain relief can be taken.

Important If you are soaking one maternity pad every 1-2 hours seek advice from your midwife or other health professional.

+ What temperature does the baby’s bath water have to be?

To test the temperature of baby’s bath water, use your inner forearm where the softest skin is.

It should be 37 degrees Celsius or 98.6 Fahrenheit or less – TIP always run cold water first to ensure that the bottom of baby’s bath is not hot when baby goes in!!

Watch our baby bathing video!

+ My baby scratches her face, can I cut my baby’s fingernails

Cutting- There’s no guarantee that all you’ll cut is the baby’s nails! So, it’s not a great idea.

Peeling- Baby’s nails are very thin, and peel. Please do not peel the nails as this may cause uncontrolled peeling further down on the nail than is safe.

Electronic filing devices – there is no guarantee of the sterility, and you may file into the sides of the nail bed or the fragile skin under the nail and cause an infection or bleeding.

Biting your baby’s nails- mouths and teeth are not as clean as you may think?!

If you need to do anything, use an unused emery board. Apply soft, downward strokes to dull the sharpness of the nail.